Saturday 2 February 2013

Oh Crap... Haizz... Xian...

Xian... Everything has been bothering me lately... From school to assignments to family to life, everything is bothering me... Yesterday night when I lie on the bed and sleep, I hope I can forever don't wake up sia... I tell my Aquarius sis that 船到桥头自然直 but here I am keep thinking otherwise... Weeks ago, no, months ago, I tell myself 1 thing... Never to start doing that 1 thing. I controlled controlled and controlled but just weeks ago I just cannot control anymore... I did it... Now that I did it, haizz... It's too late liao... I can't tell myself nothing happened... I just can't... How is this thing going to end, I dunno... I don't want to think too much about it but I just seriously can't get it of  my mind... This is the thing that has been bothering me like mad the past few weeks... Haizz... What am I suppose to do :( Follow my heart? Follow my mind? Actually they are both telling me the same thing... But I'm telling myself no... Or maybe I should just continue doing what I am doing for now? I'm confused and stressed... Haizz... GG Kevan...


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