Saturday, 12 January 2013

L4D2 - Deathcraft II

OMG!!! This is just pure awesome haha :) A L4D2 map that brings in minecraft haha :) Totally awesome!!! Just look at that :) Whoever made this map is a really a champion :) So awesome haha :) Anyway, enjoy the gameplay of this map by Achievement Hunter :)

worthlessfool - 18

Friday, 11 January 2013

Let's Play Mari0 - World 1

Finally after some time I uploaded another Let's Play video on my YouTube channel :) Actually I want to make a lot of other Let's Play videos of a lot of other games 1 but can't... Reason is because my com too lousy... So when playing the games with the better graphics and recording using fraps, the whole game will lag very bad... So that's why I have not been uploading videos for some time already... Anyway this game that I'm playing is really a cool game :) Watch and enjoy :)

worthlessfool 19, Anyone?

Thursday, 10 January 2013

I'm such a scaredy cat...

Haizz... After thinking for quite some time, I decided to step back and give up on her liao... 2 main reasons why I'm doing so... First is that I can see she really has no feelings for me so there is really nothing much I can do about it... Second is because I'm scared to go all out to chase her... Why I'm scared? Cause of the past 2 experiences I had. I don't want to talk about what happened but I know I have told some people before so I'm sure they will know why I say I'm scared... I shall just let fate decide everything... If it's meant to be, it will be, If it's not meant to be, it never will be...

worthlessfool - 20...

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Wisdom Tooth

Another beautiful song from IU :) Lyrics are in the video already. Enjoy the song :) Anyway my head really hurts now so I think I will go get some sleep first... Nights.

worthlessfool - 21, Haizz

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Support Blitzcrank

Click to enlarge picture :)

Support Blitzcrank rocks man haha :) I have been playing quite a bit of support blitz and I have not only been  connecting successful grabs but also protecting my ADC well :) Really fun to play blitz haha :) Finally I'm starting to see more victories liao haha :) hope I can keep up to this and win more matches :) This is the first time I no kills but I'm really happy with my performance :)

worthlessfool - 22, Hmmm

Monday, 7 January 2013

About me

About me... who am I? Haizz... Actually if someone ask me what kind of a person I am, I really cannot answer... Actually, who I am is depending on who the other person is. If someone treats me nice and care for me, I will do the same back. However if someone is trying to back-stab me or something, I can do the same too. Actually I feel that I am a rather shy guy too. I'm pretty sure my friends who read this will be like "U where got shy". But seriously I am shy. I'm only crazy in front of friends. I very seldom start a conversation with a stranger. Even when I like someone, I'm also very shy... I won't dare to approach the person or talk to the person... I guess it's just me... I'm also someone who bottles everything inside me... People say it's not good but I very seldom share my problems or the things I'm facing... Whether is it me stressing over school work or emo-ing over love... I always just end up facing it alone... Dunno why but I just don't dare to share it with others... Take for example the 2 girls I liked before and the things that they did to me... I don't think many people know about it... I think even my parents also dunno about it... Maybe only some of my really close friends who I trust knows about it... Tell everyone the truth, I seldom talk to my parents regarding the things I'm facing... I dunno why but somehow for me it's just that hard to start a conversation with them regarding it... Haizz... Anyway that's basically more about me la... I can only say if anyone wants to know me better, just come talk to me :) 

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Why I started blogging

Why did I start blogging. It all started cause of an assignment. That assignment was WMA (Web & Mobile Analytic). We had to create a blog and track the traffic of the blog. Over time blogging on that assignment blog, I start to like blogging haha :) I felt that it was a place where I can share my feelings :) This blog wasn't my first blog... Because of some reasons, I stopped blogging on the old blog and created this new blog :) Unlike some people, I blog cause of my own personal interest and not to be famous or earn some money from ads. What I feel is that my blog is just a place for me to share my feelings. Share the things I don't dare to say in real life... Somehow I feel like a coward... There are always some things I don't dare to face in real life and I always tend to bottle them within myself or just say them here... Haizz... When will I ever change...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬