Saturday, 26 January 2013


I wonder if anybody have ever feel like crying for no reason... Dunno why sometimes I just have that feeling... When I'm in school, in the train or at home, that feeling just suddenly comes... I don't want to cry in front of friends nor do I want to let anyone in my family know that I'm crying so I always just end up crying alone somewhere... Haizz... Sometimes I just feel really weak... Really stupid... Anyway I just had the weirdest dream last night... A dream that I know will never ever happen... Also dunno why I had that dream sia...

worthlessfool - 4...

Friday, 25 January 2013

Part 2 finally over...

Finally CA2 for IMD is settled. Didn't sleep last night cause I went to a friend's house to stay overnight and do this assignment. That assignment is due today and finally my partner and I finished it... Feel a bit relaxed now but just thinking that there are more upcoming assignments to be due I also xian... Haizz... Just now during WEBS practical lesson I suddenly feel like crying :'( So that's why I suddenly became very quiet and talked very softly... Cause I scared I will suddenly cry for no apparent reason... Haizz...

worthlessfool - 5...

Thursday, 24 January 2013

GPL 2013 - Fastest match I seen so far

Super fast match. TPA vs MLE :) TPA totally owned MLE. 17 min end game. They dominated every lane and destroyed MLE. This just goes to show how good TPA is. Totally worthy of being Season 2's champion :)

worthlessfool - 6

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Everything is settled :)

Yesterday I was still super troubled cause of the FYP grouping... I was caught in a situation where I had to make a decision... I had to choose a group... I could not make up my mind then... I asked for advice from a lecturer. She told me I should choose the group that will bring out my potential... I flipped a coin to make a decision... I asked friends... Almost all of them gave me similar answers on what I should do... I know I could not just leave that 2 good friend and get another group... A friend told me that if I really want to help them I should help them find a group first. Actually say the truth, I'm very scared that because of this FYP grouping thing relationships will be ruined... I'm pretty sure in some other cases there are bound to be people left out... I hate it when someone gets left out... The feeling of being left out is horrible... Those who never had that feeling before will never understand... Haizz... Anyway everything is settled already. That 2 friend manage to get a group already. But now I'm actually still a bit worried for another friend... Though I'm not very close to her, I'm still afraid she might be left out... Haizz... I'll try my best to help that friend ba...

worthlessfool - 7...

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Backdoor like a boss

Holy shyt!!! Ultimate backdoor from Fnatic's xPeke with Kassadin. What semms to be a clear lost for Fnatic turns out to be an epic win with xPeke's backdoor. Really dam good :) That backdoor. Oh my god.

worthlessfool - 8...

Monday, 21 January 2013

Stupid :'(

Screwed up day... Haizz... Morning SIP lesson was horrible :'( I feel so bloody stupid :'( I screw up the presentation :'( I forgot more than 50% of what I want to say :'( This first pitch confirm get crappy score :'( After SIP I went to fc3 to meet friends. I had to leave them for awhile cause I know I was about to cry already... I seriously just feel so damn stupid :( I left my friends to get some alone time and walk around the school to find a place where there is just no one so that I can let my tears out... Haizz... I know holding everything in is just gonna make me feel more worst now and maybe even later so I found a quiet place with no one and cried and punched the wall several times... I know it was very very stupid of me to punch the wall and injure myself but that's just my way of releasing everything inside me... Now my bloody right hand is injured and clenching into a fist hurts :( Screw it. It will be okay soon...

worthlessfool - 9 :'(

Sunday, 20 January 2013


Click to enlarge picture :)

This is my first ARAM victory after like 2 other defeats... It was an awesome game haha :) I manage to carry the team well too :) For those who don't know, ARAM stands for "All Random All Mid". In this type of game, summoners are not able to choose their champions as all will be random. Also, instead of the normal Summoner's Rift, this game is on the Proving Grounds where there is only 1 lane. ARAM is totally chaotic cause there are like 10 champions in 1 lane lol... moreover u cannot go back to the fountain to heal or buy items unless u die haha. Anyway it is a really fun type of game :) For those LoL players who have yet to try ARAM do go give it a go :) It will be fun :)

worthlessfool - 10