Monday 21 January 2013

Stupid :'(

Screwed up day... Haizz... Morning SIP lesson was horrible :'( I feel so bloody stupid :'( I screw up the presentation :'( I forgot more than 50% of what I want to say :'( This first pitch confirm get crappy score :'( After SIP I went to fc3 to meet friends. I had to leave them for awhile cause I know I was about to cry already... I seriously just feel so damn stupid :( I left my friends to get some alone time and walk around the school to find a place where there is just no one so that I can let my tears out... Haizz... I know holding everything in is just gonna make me feel more worst now and maybe even later so I found a quiet place with no one and cried and punched the wall several times... I know it was very very stupid of me to punch the wall and injure myself but that's just my way of releasing everything inside me... Now my bloody right hand is injured and clenching into a fist hurts :( Screw it. It will be okay soon...

worthlessfool - 9 :'(

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