Recently, Garena started a "Level up in League of Legends and claim your rewards!" event. I believe this event is used to attract new players as this is how the event goes: every time a summoner reaches a certain level, he is able to claim rewards like free IP, RP, skins, champions and many others. However, this event had cause many lvl 30 summoners feel unfairly treated. The reason is because lvl 30 summoners are only able to claim the lvl 30 reward while those that are new is able to claim the rewards at lvl 5, 10, 15 and thereafter. Moreover, the rewards at lvl 30 are not as "Nice" as those compared to the lower lvl rewards (lvl 30 gets you 20 RP, 1 rune page and 1 rune while lower lvls gets u items like champions and skins). Though I'm not lvl 30 yet (I'm only lvl 21), I still feel that it is quite unfair to the lvl 30 summoners. To be at lvl 30 they must have played and supported the game for quite some time already. However, their rewards in my point of view, aren't very "nice". On the other hand, the new players are getting all the nice rewards like champions, skins and even hundreds of RP. lvl 30 summoners might have already spent quite a bit of money buying RPs but the reward the got was only a mere 20 RP. I mean like, what can u get with 20 RP, nothing. Anyway, this event has made a lot of lvl 30 summoners mad at Garena and the GMs. I dunno if they will change this event or anything but I believe that if they don't, there is a chance that they might lose many supporters and players of the game.
worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬