Saturday, 20 October 2012

LoL Rewards Event

Recently, Garena started a "Level up in League of Legends and claim your rewards!" event. I believe this event is used to attract new players as this is how the event goes: every time a summoner reaches a certain level, he is able to claim rewards like free IP, RP, skins, champions and many others. However, this event had cause many lvl 30 summoners feel unfairly treated. The reason is because lvl 30 summoners are only able to claim the lvl 30 reward while those that are new is able to claim the rewards at lvl 5, 10, 15 and thereafter. Moreover, the rewards at lvl 30 are not as "Nice" as those compared to the lower lvl rewards (lvl 30 gets you 20 RP, 1 rune page and 1 rune while lower lvls gets u items like champions and skins). Though I'm not lvl 30 yet (I'm only lvl 21), I still feel that it is quite unfair to the lvl 30 summoners. To be at lvl 30 they must have played and supported the game for quite some time already. However, their rewards in my point of view, aren't very "nice". On the other hand, the new players are getting all the nice rewards like champions, skins and even hundreds of RP. lvl 30 summoners might have already spent quite a bit of money buying RPs but the reward the got was only a mere 20 RP. I mean like, what can u get with 20 RP, nothing. Anyway, this event has made a lot of lvl 30 summoners mad at Garena and the GMs. I dunno if they will change this event or anything but I believe that if they don't, there is a chance that they might lose many supporters and players of the game.

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Friday, 19 October 2012

A little Gift :)

This is a little gift/souvenir my friend got for me and another friend while on her trip to Bangkok, Thailand during the holidays :) Though it's just a small gift, I'm really very thankful cause frankly speaking, I don't receive many gifts :( Whether is it during my birthday or during Christmas or any special occasions, I don't really receive any gifts :( Maybe that's why I always treasure the things people give me :) Anyway, Thank you for getting me this during your holiday at Bangkok :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Thursday, 18 October 2012

The best use for Nautilus

Saw this video on youtube... I laugh like crap the first time I saw this hahaha :D So this is the best use for Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths :D

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Sleepless night :(

Yesterday was just the second day of school but the class already receive an assignment... Received it at around 4pm yesterday and it is due today 8am... Just a mere 16 hours to finish it :( I'm not someone who can sit at 1 spot for a few hours to do work (I always take a lot of breaks in between watching videos, slacking etc) My concentration span is not very high... If force do finish 1 shot confirm die 1... So no choice have to stay awake whole night and slowly spread the workload... Also, those that know me, I'm someone who won't produce sloppy work 1. I either do it nice and sweet or I don't do it at all so normally I think I might take a bit more time to do something that is up to my own expectation... Anyway, yesterdays lesson left me thinking of some things...

Yesterday during the last lesson, the lecturer mentioned that being a businessman, there are definitely times where u have to back stab and betray your friends in order to move on... Is the outer/business world  really that scary? Just to stay "alive" u have to use underhanded means to "kill" others and maybe your friends? If that's the case I rather not be a businessman... I rather just work for others. So what if u earn tens or hundreds or thousands a month? I rather earn lesser than to go against my conscience and betray or back stab others. Anyway now the time is like around 6:45am... I think I'm just going to take a cold shower to keep myself awake, finish up everything and prepare to go school...


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

My First PVP in LoL

Click to enlarge picture :)

First time playing PVP in LoL with my cousin and another friend just this past Sunday. Let's just say even though we won, the experience was rather frightening haha :) Can suddenly walk half way den enemy come from nowhere and gank u... But anyway, I was playing as Rengar again :) Surprising, in my first PVP match, I had to face Kha'Zix (Rengar's Nemesis) in the same lane... Even though it wasn't shown in the overview, I manage to slain Kha'Zix twice :) But Kha'Zix also manage to kill me once :( Also, we won not because the enemy's Amumu (perseuspye) left the game. Instead, the Amumu raged quit as our team was winning... Anyway, I think I did pretty okay for this first PVP :) Hope I can do better next time :) thats if I even play PVP again haha :) cause I don't really like playing PVP...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Monday, 15 October 2012

Back to School

Finally after 6 big weeks of holiday, today is the start of a new semester again. Woke up just now feeling very tired as I slept at like 3am last night... This semester's timetable dam sad... Whole week 5 days got 4 8am lessons... Confirm will very tired sooner or later 1... Hope this semester I'll be more interested in the modules ba... Anyway today's lesson starts at 8am so apparently I'm writing this now during lesson haha. I better start paying attention haha :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Sunday, 14 October 2012

My First Penta Kill :)

Click to enlarge picture :)

Yay :) Finally got my first ever Penta Kill in Co-op vs AI while I was playing just now :) This time the champion I used was Rengar, the pridestalker :) I like to use Rengar though he might not be the strongest or fastest haha :) Really dam happy I finally got the Penta Kill :) Hope I can get it again :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬