Saturday, 10 November 2012

10th November 2012 (10/11/12)

Today's date is 10/11/12 :) haha :) Spend my entire morning SLEEPING haha :) just woke up... Today is going to be a busy day... Actually this weekend is going to be very busy... 3 modules have to do something... Monday got presentation for VAF (Visual Audio Fundamentals). Monday also have to prepare my article and a debate for SIP (Social Innovation Project). Then the most tedious module is still IMD (Interactive Media Development). That module have to go through super a lot of thinking... Anyway, no time to slack liao... Time to work :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Friday, 9 November 2012

Clementi Student Service Centre

Just this Wednesday I went to Clementi Student Service Centre to do voluntary work for my pre trip event :) We took photos of the kids there and gave them frames where they can decorate their own frame and keep it for themselves later :) We also played games with them :) Overall, it was a rather fun experience :) Some kids were really good but certainly there were some who were rather notorious and kept messing around and making it hard for us to pass instructions :( But it was still very fun haha :) I can't wait for the December holiday to come :) That's when we will fly to Vietnam to teach students there :) We will also spend time with orphans in an orphanage in Vietnam too :) Hope it will be a fun and fruitful experience :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Will Think of You

Davichi - Will Think of You (Love Call with Davichi 2012)

Lovely song :) Really love both Kang Min-Kyung's & Lee Hae-Ri's voice :) Their voice sound so angelic hehe :) Anyway, this time I lazy type/copy the lyrics from somewhere else... So I found a YouTube video of this song with the lyrics :) I do have to credit YouTube user LoveKpopSubs8 for his wonderful lyrics of this song :) This is a really nice song :) Enjoy :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Cookies :) These are the cookies I sold in school yesterday for the donation of my Vietnam CIP trip during the December holiday. Other than selling them, I of course bought some to eat myself ^^ Anyway, these are the different types of cookies :) Butter (Top Left), Chocolate Chip (Bottom Left), Oat Mint (Top Right) and Cashew Nut (Bottom Right). My favorite was the Oat Mint :) Followed by Chocolate Chip, Butter and finally Cashew Nut. Lets just say I'm not a big fan of nuts so I don't really like them... But overall the cookies are all quite nice :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

"Best" team ever

Click to enlarge picture :)

This is the best team I have ever had in LoL. This Intermediate CO-OP vs AI I see got AP Carry and AD Carry liao so I decided to play tanky Skarner. How I know the team so good, need me this tank to go front and help them do most of the kills while they just slowly feed the enemy like no tomorrow. The Kennen still dare ask who feed Tristana until so fed. Look at his K/D, 1/16?! First time I see tank the damage dealt higher than the AD and AP. Really the best team ever.

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Monday, 5 November 2012

Don't Mess with Support

4 support (LuLu, Soroka, Sona & Alistar) + 1 AD (Miss Fortune). I really have nothing to say sia. 4 support + 1 AD raping the other team... It's either they are very good, the opponent are really lousy or maybe support are just much much stronger than what I have expected...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Audition Legit x10 Combo

Super old game-play I thought I might just put it here for fun haha. This was the game-play from February 24th 2012... I have not really been playing Audition for quite some time already... But even if I do, nobody will know 1 cause I play alone most of the time :) Anyway, This video shows my Audition skills haha (Just Kidding :p). I'm not an Audition pro... But I dare to say I'm quite good with this song (Cause its the slowest song lol). But even though its the slowest song, getting a x10 perfect combo is not that easy. Those that play Audition too will know that getting a perfect is not as easy as it seems. Moreover, I did it legitimately :) I dare to swear I did not use any hacks or anything to help me get that. It was all based on my skills haha :) Btw, this song is "Could I Love Someone Again" by Lee Jung hyun :) Nice Song :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬