Sunday 20 January 2013


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This is my first ARAM victory after like 2 other defeats... It was an awesome game haha :) I manage to carry the team well too :) For those who don't know, ARAM stands for "All Random All Mid". In this type of game, summoners are not able to choose their champions as all will be random. Also, instead of the normal Summoner's Rift, this game is on the Proving Grounds where there is only 1 lane. ARAM is totally chaotic cause there are like 10 champions in 1 lane lol... moreover u cannot go back to the fountain to heal or buy items unless u die haha. Anyway it is a really fun type of game :) For those LoL players who have yet to try ARAM do go give it a go :) It will be fun :)

worthlessfool - 10

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