Sunday 6 January 2013

Why I started blogging

Why did I start blogging. It all started cause of an assignment. That assignment was WMA (Web & Mobile Analytic). We had to create a blog and track the traffic of the blog. Over time blogging on that assignment blog, I start to like blogging haha :) I felt that it was a place where I can share my feelings :) This blog wasn't my first blog... Because of some reasons, I stopped blogging on the old blog and created this new blog :) Unlike some people, I blog cause of my own personal interest and not to be famous or earn some money from ads. What I feel is that my blog is just a place for me to share my feelings. Share the things I don't dare to say in real life... Somehow I feel like a coward... There are always some things I don't dare to face in real life and I always tend to bottle them within myself or just say them here... Haizz... When will I ever change...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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