Friday 1 February 2013

1st February

Start of a new month and guess where I was last night? Camping outdoors cause I don't feel like going home or a friend's house cause of some reasons... Yesterday I really didn't feel like going anywhere... After helping and teaching my friend the WEBS assignment, we went for a late dinner at Macs... After dinner was already almost midnight liao... They all went home and I started walking around Clementi area looking for a spot to camp... After walking for awhile, I saw a playground. It was under 1 of the HDBs in that area... I walked closer and saw under the HDB there was a girl lying on the bench and crying. After awhile a guy came and comfort her or something. I didn't stay around that area in the beginning cause I did not want that girl's crying to affect me so I actually walked around that area for awhile till they go off... After they left, I went to the playground. It was already around 1am then. I lie down and I just started crying :( That continued till around 3am+ - 4am+. When I finally stopped crying, I carried my bag and penguin and slowly walked back to school from where I was... I thought it would be a rather long journey but when I reach school, it was only like 5am+... The gates at hilltop area was still locked so I could not enter... So I continued walking till the MRT area. Luckily the gate there was opened liao... The whole school was dark and very quiet. There was nobody at all... I slowly walked back to hilltop area cause that's where my first class will be at... When I reach outside the class, the time was not even 6am yet... I sat outside class and tried to sleep... I manage to fall asleep but every time no more than 15mins, I would wake up... I thought by 7:30am the class would be opened cause that's always the time the cleaners would open the doors but apparently the were late today so they only reached at about 7:55am... I dunno but I think I'm getting sick soon... Feeling dam cold since last night... Hope I don't get sick ba cause there are a lot of things to be done during the weekend...

worthlessfool :(

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