Monday 22 October 2012

Sunday Trip :)

Yesterday, me, my cousin and another friend went to Science Centre and Snow City to have some fun :) Actually, the plan was to celebrate her birthday 1 but then... Nvm I don't want talk about it... Anyway, without her, we still went on with our plans, heading to Science Centre first.

We were actually having quite a lot of fun that I actually didn't really take much photos of the place lol... I only took like a picture of my cousin and my friend and another picture of a giant squid on the celling :D During the trip at Science Centre, we also manage to see the fire tornado demo at Annexe located in Science Centre. I even took a video of the demo :) The fire tornado starts at 4:50 :) Enjoy :)

After seeing everything we can see at Science Centre, we got some souvenirs before heading to Snow City :) Actually, we got some candy/ice-cream?? called Astronaut from the souvenir shop.

Good thing Snow City was just like a short 5mins walk from Science Centre cause we were all quite wore out when we came out of Science Centre haha :) Anyway, it was my first time going to Snow City and I was rather excited as I have never experience the feeling of being in a cold place haha. When we got there we told ourselves we don't need any gloves. But after entering the "cold area" for less then 5mins, we had to get out and rents gloves cause it was really really super cold... Anyway, the experience was really fun :) Being a an area with only a -10°C temperature was fun but at the same time also very cold even with the jacket, boots and gloves.

In the end we also took some photos at Snow City :) One of which was right after we slide down the Snow hill (Picture on the left) and the other is us removing our jackets and gloves while still the the cold area and taking a photo (Picture on the right). Overall the entire day was a really fun day :) I really had a lot of fun :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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