Sunday 21 October 2012

My Ring

Sometimes I really think I super bo liao (nothing else better to do). See what I did above :) It's a ring :) It's a ring I made myself :) Made out of a simple business card that I got :) I even painted it after I was done lol. I really dam bo liao haha. Got so many better things to do but I go do this kind of lame things haha :D But I like it so I don't care :) I like doing things with paper. I like making paper models (origami) even though I'm a guy. I don't and won't care what other people think or say. I like can liao :) Anyway, if I do make something new, I'm sure to upload it here :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

1 comment:

  1. kevan: yr ring is lovely. and i am in awe of yr talent. pls keep doing yr origami. we hv no regrets when we do what we love ^.^
