Wednesday 2 January 2013

Memories of Hà Tiên

It has been 1 week since I came back from Vietnam already. I miss my Vietnam friends... Really can't wait to go back and visit them soon :) Anyway see the picture above? Those shells were picked from the beach along Hà Tiên itself :) I wanted to give this to the girl I like but I'm scared... I also dunno what I'm afraid of... 2 friends have already told her I like her but they both tell me she only likes me as a friend... Haizz... Friend-zoned again... How should I give this to her? I scared see until her then will very awkward or something... I also dunno if I should continue to chase her or not... Tell everyone the truth, I'm afraid to continue to chase her... I'm afraid of falling too deep for her and then getting rejected... I don't dare to continue chasing her... Sometimes I really feel like a coward... Don't even dare to like someone... Maybe it's because of the previous experiences that left the scar in me ba... Haizz...


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