Sunday 13 January 2013

Taxi taxi

Yesterday just watched this movie with my cousin :) It's a local production starring Mark Lee and Gurmit Singh :) Overall I feel that it was a rather nice movie :) It was really hilarious haha :) Being a dad is really not an easy thing to do... U have to not only care about your work and money problems but also your family... When u're facing problems, u maybe won't even have someone to talk to... Anyway, other than the funny parts of this movie, there is also 1 part that made me cry... I don't want to spoil the movie so I can only say it's the last part that made me cry. The things that Gurmit said made me cry... That part seriously just hit me in the part which made me cried... Watch for yourself if u want to know :p Quite a nice movie in my opinion :) I will give it a rating of 8.5 out of 10 :)

worthlessfool - 17, day by day...

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