Monday 14 January 2013


Haizz... Something happened over the weekend... I really though I can and have already forgotten everything that has happened there but I was wrong... The moment I step into Pasir Ris on Friday, everything just came back instantly... The memories... The things that happened there before... Everything just came back... I dunno why I just cannot stop myself... I did it anyway... I keep telling myself not to do it but I still did it anyway... I feel so stupid... The feeling I have... I type, I delete. I type, I delete. That happened at least 10 over times during this weekend... In the end guess what... I still typed and send it anyway... I dunno if I would regret doing it or not but I did it already... Nothing can be changed now... Anyway nothing is going to change... I have already decided on some things and I swear I will never change my mind for anything. But I still feel so stupid... I promise myself not to do it but somehow I just... Haizz... Good job Kevan...

worthlessfool - 16 :(

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