Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 3 @ Vietnam

Hey guys!We finished with our third day in 'Nam and geez was it tiring.....and fun....and cool.....and awesome!! Typically I had to get up early to help prepare breakfast since i'm part of the awesome and exclusive Breakfast club, heck yeah!Then once we reached the school,we paired up with our cool Vietnamese buddies and then went out again to the marketplace for a photo taking assignment, which meant plenty of chances for new profile pics heh heh. It was pretty hot the whole walk through but it was such an interesting and fun experience walking through the neighborhoods of  Ho Chih Minh's District 7, plenty of sights and sounds to see and hear, and smell too! After the long walk to the market place and back,spamming pictures all the while we went for lunch. And again we were having spring rolls for like the 3rd time again,nice but bleah... After lunch we had some time before the lesson so i joined a game some of the others were playing and boy was it painful!It was simply rock,paper,scissors but the winner got to pinch either the nose,ear or cheek of the losers,and of course i did lose some.ouch.After that we did some photo editing for the pictures the vietnamese students took.I'm still quite surprised they had Photosshop CS4,i was expecting CS1 actually heheh. I don't really know if they knew what i was teaching them in photoshop, or just copying what i was doing tsk. After slacking abit after lesson, we went and played Soccer!Woohoo!!

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