Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 2 @ Vietnam

2nd day in Vietnam and the first day we conducted lessons in the college there. The people there are all very friendly and heartwarming :) Some even a little over friendly. Not towards my but my friends haha. I made quite a lot of new Vietnam friends today :) They all very nice :) The food in the school is also rather nice :) Today during the lessons we created mind maps of ideas we could use for the photo journal. Many pictures were taken haha :) U see the girl in the top left corner picture, her name is Phuong. Even though she is not part of the program, she is super super enthusiastic about it. Not only her, most of the students there all very enthusiastic :) All of them actually took a 1 month lesson on English before we came so the actually have some basics on english, unlike us, never learn any Vietnamese and don't really understand what they are saying. I feel so guilty... Anyway second day was a fun day :) Hope the next 10 days in Vietnam will also be so fun :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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