Monday 10 December 2012

Bye Singapore

Tomorrow morning would be the day I fly off to Vietnam liao. Haizz... 12 days there... I will definitely miss the people around me (my family and friends). I wonder if they will miss me too? Though I really really wish there will be someone to send me off, I know that nobody will... My dad will be working, mum will be at home and most of my friends stay too far from Changi to send me off... Moreover my flight is like early in the morning which makes it even harder for anyone to send my off... But if anyone do decide to send me off, my flight number is SQ172. I will be at Terminal 2 by 7:30 and our departure time is 9:30. I'll be really really happy if someone were to surprise me by coming to send me off :) But nobody come also never mind. I don't expect anyone to come anyway... I wonder who will come see me when I arrive back in Singapore 12 days later on the 23 December...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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