Tuesday 30 October 2012

Being an Assassin :)

Tried to be an assassin yesterday haha :) See the picture above, that's  the place I climbed up yesterday from ground level to the second floor. That place was in Costa Sands Resort block D. Why I have to climb up? that's cause of 1 smart guy... He go leave the card in the room and left the room. Then everyone stuck outside. Luckily the window was open when everyone was stuck :) I manage to successfully climb up but I still got injury :( See my finger there now got 1 deep cut on the middle finger :( That's cause I miss my first jump and did not grab the air con pole properly (Partially cause of fear which made me did not go all out while jumping for the pole)... But then second time I succeed liao :) Cause second time I know I can do it and I went all out for the jump, grabbed onto the pole and pulled myself up the ledge before climbing into the room and unlocking the door for everyone :) Feeling like an assassin haha :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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