Monday 17 December 2012

Day 5 @ Vietnam

Today was the day we all went to the orphanage. The condition there was actually worst than what I have expected... Seeing all the cracked floors and dirty water covered with moss and algae, I really feel quite sad for them :( The kid there were all super active, much much much more active than us. Sometimes we even find it hard to keep up with the kids haha :) The trip to the orphanage was a tiring but fun experience. I really got to see what is the life of some people in this world. I hope from this trip I can be much more appreciative of the things I have :) After returning from the orphanage, we headed back to the hotel. Over there, we had pizza for dinner again haha :) After dinner, everyone had a short reflection session with our respective lecturer in charge regarding this trip to the orphanage. After hearing from everyone, a lot of things really went through my mind. What everyone said (especially the lecturer) really makes a lot of sense. I'll definitely ponder about the things mentioned during the reflection session and learn from it.

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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