Friday 21 December 2012

Day 10 @ Vietnam

It has been quite a few days since I last blogged... For the past few days, we had a field trip in Vietnam so I really did not have enough time to blog... Anyway, during the field trip, a lot of things happened... I fell for a girl... I dunno if she feels the same but from what I'm seeing, she doesn't... Everyone in this trip knows I like her. Some of them have really been helping me. I'm trying to do something too... I tried talking to her but all I got was short answers or sometimes even just nodding or shaking of the head... During the long bus ride back to the hotel tonight, I tried talking to her in the beginning but she seems rather cold towards me... Throughout the ride, she has only been looking out of the windows of the bus... Near the end of the bus ride, a guy changed seats with me... Within minutes, she was talking, smiling and playing around with that guy... Frankly speaking, I was really really very sad :'( Maybe I should stop trying to chase her? I dunno... I'm really trying but... I really dunno... Some friends are telling me it's possible but some are saying never mind... I also dunno what I want... Should I go for it? After seeing what happened in the bus I really feel like stopping but haizz... I also dunno...


1 comment:

  1. hmm, try to know what she likes and find some common topics to talk about. idk much about the girls in Vietnam, so cant give really much of advice.

    She gives u such response, doesn't mean she don't like u, just that she doesn't know u well enough ~ maybe. OR she treats u as a foreigner / guests ...

    Anyway, if u really fall for this girl, tell her your true feeling to avoid any misunderstandings between u and her. Just be prepared to get rejected ~ even kena rejection, u and her still can remain friends right !!
