Friday 14 September 2012

I'm a First Aider :)

Yay :) I successfully pass my standard first aid course :) Now I'm a certified First Aider :) hehe :) I have a card too :) This first aid course I learnt quite a lot of things sia :) Like how to help someone with a fracture or burns, amputation etc. The teacher was also a very nice and interesting guy. He conducted the lesson in a very interested way :) Though the lessons were conducted 3 days continuously from 9am to 6pm, nobody fall asleep during the lesson because of the way the teacher teach :)

See my amputated arm... lol. I'm sure everyone knows its fake. haha... This is like one of the thing I learnt during this course :) Cool right :) haha :) I feel like going for the next level first aid course sia but hear the teacher say until like very hard like that... Dunno la... See how first.

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬