Tuesday 12 February 2013

Legoland :)

So so sorry everyone for this past few days... Have not been blogging daily... Did not blog yesterday cause I was at Malaysia whole day and there was no Wi-Fi... Will start blogging daily again though haha :) Anyway yesterday was fun :) Spend the whole day at legoland with my cousin and his cousins haha :) That place was awesome. It was really very fun :) The rides, the scenery, everything was super nice :) I so want to go back there again... It was really really super fun :) Got 2 souvenirs there too :) Haizz... Anyway today finally my cousin and I went to watch Ah Boys to Men 2... We wanted to watch it for quite some time liao but always cannot find a time slot to do so... But finally today watch liao and all I can say is it was quite awesome :) Next few days must start to study liao... Have a paper on Friday... Haizz... Dunno whether I can concentrate or not... Hope can ba...


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