Tuesday 5 February 2013

Everything's not right :(

Nothing went well today... Everything was wrong... Reach school early to finish up IMD report... Mood wasn't there... couldn't do anything... Finish in the end but I felt that it was a really crappy job done :( Whole day I'm bothered by that thing... Cannot focus cannot concentrate... cannot do anything :( IMD presentation screw up... Felt I did a horrible work... Felt useless... Left the classroom with hands full and opened the door too loudly by accident... Lecturer thought I have attitude problem and told my classmates I was not fit to take part in competition... Suppose to do VAF filming after IMD presentation... Wasn't in the mood to film... Wasted 4 over hours with nothing filmed... Felt that I was useless in the team and wasted everyone's time... Haizz... I hate myself :'(

worthlessfool :'(

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