Saturday 24 November 2012

Thank you :)

I'm actually going to use this blog post to thank someone :) This person has been caring and encouraging me quite often since school started. I have no idea why but somehow most of my secrets were told to this person myself lol... We also like always bicker in school 1 haha. Actually I not only see her as a friend but also sort of like an older sister to me :) Good sister I can say haha :) Anyway, most of my close friends will know that even though I like always look very cheerful on the outside, I'm actually a very emotional person. So recently something happened again which affected my mood so I told her about it. She cheered me on, gave me advice and also encouragement. To others, this might seem like just a small deal. But for me, I see it as a huge deal. To know that there is someone who will stand alongside u to support u, encourage u and give u the push is a big deal to me.
So the main thing is that I really want to tell her Thank you from the bottom of my heart :) <---- Sound so cheesy and gay lol...

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

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