Monday 8 October 2012

Hmmm... Remember this?

I wonder if the 3 of u still remember this... I wonder if the 3 of u still have this... haha... Anyway, this has already become a part of me liao haha :) I still remember the whole process of how we all met. First it was her. She was sitting there, I was sitting the other side... We both dunno most of the people there so we were both sitting alone... Then after awhile we starting talking :) Then as for him, I first met him outside the bowling alley. Our first meeting was playing bowling together haha :) And as for the last guy, I've known u since young (cause u're my cousin) haha :) Just 1 meeting and we all became so close haha :) But now... Dunno if this clique is still surviving or not... haizz... Also dunno how the 3 of them are doing now... They should be having their exams during this period ba... Wish them all the best for their exams haha :)

worthlessfool ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬


  1. After the exam, ask them out again lor..

    1. U dunno anything so dun anyhow give comments. thank you.
